Bulldozers ran again in Dehradun on the second day, people were seen crying- these documents were also shown; police used lathi

The action of the Municipal Corporation against illegal construction on the banks of the Rispana river continued on the second day as well. The corporation demolished eight illegal houses amidst heavy opposition in Deepnagar colony. The slum dwellers blocked the road and protested against the team, but the police chased away the protesters by lathi charge. During this time, the ruckus continued for hours and the corporation team had to work hard to demolish just eight constructions. All the slum dwellers are opposing this action being taken on the instructions of NGT. Along with this, they are also getting protection from political parties. The Municipal Corporation is taking action on the instructions of NGT, terming the construction done after the year 2016 on the banks of the Rispana river as illegal. On the first day on Monday, the construction marked on the river bank from Chuna Bhatta to Balbir Road was removed. Whereas, action was taken in Deepnagar colony on Tuesday.
The Municipal Corporation and Police team reached Deepnagar colony at around nine in the morning, a crowd of slum dwellers gathered as soon as they saw the JCB. Due to confusion among the residents of the colony regarding the demolition action, the people of the entire colony started opposing the team. They raised slogans against the Municipal Corporation and the state government and said that they will not let the colony be destroyed. The Municipal Corporation team told them that on the instructions of NGT, only eight constructions made in the area after the year 2016 will be demolished. After this, the crowd reduced a bit, but still a large number of people stood blocking the road. The encroachers also claimed that the documents related to the construction were old, but the corporation team clarified that all the documents have been checked, only after that action is being taken against illegal construction. The police chased away the protesters by lathi charge and took out the goods from the illegal houses. During this, the residents of the area also clashed with the police. The uproar continued for a long time and a large number of women also stood in front of the JCB. The team showed strictness and drove away everyone and demolished all the eight illegal constructions. Before removing the encroachment, the police surveyed the area with a drone. The number of protesters and the situation were monitored. Apart from this, the action was also videographed.

Police showed strictness when the protest became fierce
The people opposing the demolition action surrounded the team from all sides and the altercation continued for a long time. The protesters also tried to pelt stones when the JCB moved forward, on which the police showed strictness and pushed the slum dwellers aside by hitting them with sticks. The police repeatedly warned of lathi charge if they obstructed the action, after which the demolition could be done.

Preparation to do fencing after removing encroachment

City Commissioner Gaurav Kumar said that wherever the government land is being freed from encroachment by removing encroachment, fencing will be done there soon. There is a possibility of encroachment again if the vacant land is left open. The fencing will be done as soon as possible by the contracted contractor of the corporation. Also, the board of ownership of the corporation will be installed. Later, there is also a plan to build a boundary wall on government land as per the availability of budget.

A yoga park worth Rs 4 crore is being built in front of the colony. A yoga park is being built at the river mouth near Deepnagar colony at a cost of Rs 4 crore. The Municipal Corporation itself is building this park adjacent to the river bank. 30 percent of the work has already been completed. The residents of Deepnagar colony raised questions on this park as well. They have demanded that the park being built on the river bank should also be demolished. Accusing the corporation of discrimination, the residents called the park illegal. However, no response was given by the Municipal Corporation on this.