National Games: Presence of female coach is mandatory in trial camps and sports events, necessary guidelines issued

To ensure the safety of women players in the 38th National Games, the Uttarakhand Olympic Association has asked to strictly follow the guidelines. Under this, there is a directive to include a female coach compulsorily during every training camp and sports event. Also, it has been asked to prioritize the privacy of women players and establish a confidential grievance redressal mechanism to resolve any problem immediately. The General Secretary of the Association, Dr. DK Singh said that guidelines have been issued before organizing sports camps keeping in mind the safety, privacy and convenience of women players in the National Games. After the incident of rape of a player in Haridwar, the association has once again reiterated to all the sports associations that it is our collective responsibility to promote a safe environment for women players, keeping this in mind, strictly follow the guidelines of the association.

Key Guidelines

– All training camps involving women players should include at least one qualified and experienced female coach.

– Ensure proper accommodation arrangements for women athletes keeping in mind their safety and privacy.

– Adequate female support staff should be deployed.

– Regular sensitization and awareness sessions should be organized to promote respectful behavior towards women.

– A dedicated and confidential redressal mechanism should be established for immediate resolution of any problem raised by women players.

– All legal provisions and organizational policies should be strictly followed for the safety of women players.

National Games are a symbol of honor of the country and Uttarakhand, hence the guidelines will be strictly followed to ensure high level of safety and welfare of women athletes and to promote a culture of respect in sports.

-Dr. DK Singh, General Secretary, Uttarakhand Olympic Association