One and a half crore rupees of Doon Hospital stuck under Ayushman Yojana, free treatment was done; Reminders sent 3 times

Around Rs 1.5 crore spent on the treatment of patients from Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Bihar in Doon Medical College is stuck. All these patients were treated free of cost under the Ayushman Yojana, but claims from these states were not paid for the last about seven months. The college management has sent reminders thrice, but no response was received.

A large number of beneficiaries of Ayushman Yojana
Doon Medical College Hospital is one of the major government hospitals in the state. Where patients come for treatment not only from the city but also from remote areas of the mountain. Apart from this, people from the border areas of Uttar Pradesh and other states settled in Doon also come here. Among them there is a sizeable number of beneficiaries of Ayushman Yojana.

Daily 10-15 patients get free treatment
On an average, 10-15 patients from Uttar Pradesh get free treatment here every day under the scheme. Apart from this, the hospital also provided treatment to many patients from Bihar and Haryana under the scheme, but these states have not paid the claims for the last about seven months.
Dr. Dhananjay Doval, the nodal officer of Ayushman Yojana at Doon Hospital, told that there are about 270 such cases, which have an outstanding of about Rs 1.5 crore. Most of the cases are of chemotherapy, dialysis etc. Reminders have been sent several times in this regard to the concerned states, but no response was received. A letter has also been sent to the State Health Authority in this regard.

emergency treatment only
Due to this, the treatment of Ayushman card holders of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Haryana in Doon Medical College Hospital has come to a standstill. Due to non-payment of dues, they are being given treatment only in emergency. If there is no emergency, the patient is being turned back.

Took treatment first, card later
Many fake cards of Ayushman have also been caught in Uttar Pradesh. In which someone else had got the card made in the name of the real beneficiary. A large number of cards have been canceled after the matter came to light. According to sources, many such card holders have also taken treatment at Doon Medical College. Those who got dialysis etc. done in the initial phase here under Ayushman, but later their card got blocked.