Chief Minister Dhami, who reached Delhi from Kumaon tour, took part in a road show organized there in the evening in support of BJP candidates from Vinod Nagar and Mandawali seats. There is a sizeable number of Uttarakhandi migrants in Delhi and they also play a decisive role in many seats.
In Himachal too, the Chief Minister kept Dhami in a tizzy:
By breaking the myth in the assembly elections under the leadership of Chief Minister Dhami, the BJP was successful in coming to power for the second time in a row. In Himachal too, with the aim of breaking the myth, the BJP kept Chief Minister Dhami in the assembly elections. Dhami had addressed election rallies and meetings in more than a dozen areas including Shimla, Sirmaur, Paonta Sahib, Nahan in the Himachal assembly elections.
Now the BJP leadership has also included Chief Minister Dhami in its list of star campaigners for the Municipal Corporation of Delhi elections. Actually, the intention of the party behind this is to turn the residents of Uttarakhand living in Delhi in favor of BJP. Keeping this in view, their programs for Delhi are being decided.
Chief Minister Dhami, who went on a Kumaon tour, reached Delhi from Almora on Sunday and then participated in a road show organized from Shanti Marg to Shri Ram Road Chowk in support of BJP candidates. He was accompanied by Delhi MP Gautam Gambhir.
Dhami will take charge in Gujarat as well:
Chief Minister Dhami had announced the implementation of Uniform Civil Code in the state during the assembly elections. As soon as the government was formed for the second consecutive time, in the first cabinet meeting, he constituted an expert committee to prepare a draft for the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code. Apart from holding meetings continuously, the committee is also taking opinion from the general public.
Meanwhile, on the lines of Uttarakhand, the Gujarat government has also decided to take steps to implement the Uniform Civil Code. In view of this, the BJP leadership has decided to use Chief Minister Dhami in the Gujarat assembly elections as well.
BJP’s National General Secretary Tarun Chugh has told in a letter sent to Chief Minister Dhami that on November 22, the Gujarat state BJP has planned a carpet bombing programme. Chief Minister Dhami has been requested to participate in this programme.