Major cities under Garhwal parliamentary constituency will soon be connected to Dehradun by air service. Garhwal MP and BJP national media chief Anil Baluni raised this issue prominently during his meeting with Union Civil Aviation Minister Kinjarapu Ram Mohan Naidu in Delhi on Wednesday. The Union Minister assured immediate action in this regard. Baluni also urged to remove the obstacles coming in the modernization of Gauchar airport in Chamoli district soon.
Many areas in Garhwal parliamentary constituency are inaccessible
According to MP Baluni, he informed the Union Civil Aviation Minister that the geographical situation of Garhwal parliamentary constituency, which has 14 assembly constituencies, is very complex. Many areas here are counted among inaccessible areas.
Difficulties have to be faced due to natural disasters
Due to natural disasters, many times their connection with other parts is lost here. Road routes are often affected. Along with this, the problem of migration is also becoming bigger. In such a situation, it is necessary to expand air connectivity here. He urged that under the Udan scheme, heli service should be considered to connect other cities of Garhwal parliamentary constituency like Ramnagar, Lansdowne, Pauri, Gopeshwar to Dehradun.
Assurance of taking action soon
Along with this, he also stressed on removing the obstacles coming in the way of modernization of Gauchar airport, so that air services continue to operate smoothly in this area. According to Baluni, the Union Civil Aviation Minister assured of taking action soon after gathering information on all these subjects.