In the Chintan Shivir of Home Ministers, Chief Minister Dhami said – UCC will improve the condition of women

Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said that an expert committee has been formed to prepare the draft Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in the state. With the implementation of Uniform Civil Code, residents of all religions and sects in the state will be benefited.
There will also be a qualitative improvement in the condition of women of all religions. Referring to the challenges faced by the state on the internal and strategic security front, he has also requested the Center to provide financial assistance to solve them.

Participated in the contemplation camp of Home Ministers:
On Thursday, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami took part in a contemplation camp of the home ministers of the states under the chairmanship of Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Surajkund, Haryana.
On this occasion, he said that work is being done on the smooth operation of law and order in the state and implementation of Uniform Civil Code respecting the spirit of the Constitution. The expert committee is currently preparing its report. He said that Uttarakhand is a state with difficult and inhospitable geographical conditions. Its borders are connected with China and Nepal.
Uttarakhand has a strategically important place in national security. The migration from Uttarakhand to the border areas is challenging. To prevent this, special attention is being paid to infrastructure facilities. The construction work of 600 km of roads is going on in the frontier districts of Pithoragarh, Chamoli and Uttarkashi. The work of connecting youth with NCC in border areas is going on.

He said that illegal activities of various organizations are being monitored under internal security. The government is working effectively to discourage religious fanaticism and fundamentalist activities in the state. During this, the Chief Minister also informed about giving the jurisdiction of revenue police in the state to regular police in a phased manner.

Five crore per month for Him Prahari Yojana:
The Chief Minister said that work is being done on Him Prahari Yojana to protect the borders. Under this, 10 thousand retired soldiers, paramilitary and youth will be trained and posted in border districts in relation to border security. For this, the state will need Rs 5 crore per month from the Center and 60 crore annually. Along with this, he also requested for relaxation in inner line restrictions to increase tourism activities in the border areas.

750 crore needed for police stations and outposts:
The Chief Minister said that there is a need for modernization of police to strengthen law and order. For this, the police force has to be equipped with modern weapons. The work of construction of new police stations, police outposts and residences of police personnel is very important. For this, there is an urgent need of Rs 750 crore as special grant to the government.

Need for a Helicopter for Disaster Relief:
The Chief Minister said that the state of Uttarakhand has to face frequent natural calamities. Disaster Management Research Institute is needed for better disaster management. If the state gets a helicopter for quick action in the incidents of disaster and forest fire, then it will prove helpful in disaster control.

App being made for women safety:
The Chief Minister said that the State Government is extremely sensitive towards the safety of the girl child and women. The government is taking strict action against the criminals, making it a top priority. An app is also proposed to be made for the safety of women at the workplace. In which effective protection will be given to women after registration. He said that a target has been set to make Uttarakhand a drug-free state by the year 2025.

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