Hi-tech government recognized madrassas, the committee formed to investigate the madrassas will submit the report soon

A three-member committee has been constituted to investigate the madrassas in the state, which will submit its report within a month. The work of making government recognized madrasas hi-tech is also being done. Social Welfare Minister Chandan Ram Das has said this.

80 thousand new applications for widow pension were received:
At the same time, he has said that 80 thousand new applications for widow pension have been received in the state this year. The first installment of pension will be released on these applications this month itself. The Social Welfare Department is soon going to set up camps in all the districts of the state, where work related to old age, widow and disabled pension applications, registration for scholarship and loan disbursal of the Finance Corporation will be done.
On Monday, Social Welfare Minister Chandan Ram Das reviewed the Social Welfare and Minority Welfare Department in the office room located in the Vidhansabha. Giving information about the meeting, the Social Welfare Minister said that as per the announcement of the Chief Minister, the new widow pension is being implemented soon.
The process of increasing the financial assistance given to Divyangjans for fitting artificial limbs from Rs.3500 to Rs.7000 and increasing the prize money from Rs.5000 to Rs.8000 is in progress. 128947 Divyangjans have been identified in the state, who will be issued UDID cards.
He said that camps related to the schemes of the Social Welfare Department would be organized in all the districts. Local legislators and ministers will also be present in these. He said that artificial limbs and audio-visual aids are being distributed to Divyangjan under Vayo Shree Yojana.
Presently 400962 persons are being given Divyang pension. Four percent reservation has been made in government services for the disabled. It has been told to all the departments that this reservation must be implemented while filling the posts.

Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana implemented in 272 villages:
The Social Welfare Minister said that Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana has been implemented in 272 villages of the state. Under this, assistance of Rs 20 lakh is being given to the villages. Instructions have been given to the officials to recover the amount of 22 crores in the One Time Settlement Scheme in the Finance Corporation.
Seven coaching centers have been set up for the youth of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, through which employment generation will be facilitated. He said that arrangements are being made to provide room assistants and computers to assistant social welfare officers in their blocks.

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