Chandrashekhar Harbola, originally resident of Hathipur Binta Dwarhat Almora and Hal Saraswati Vihar Dhanmil Haldwani, was recruited in 1971 as a constable in 19 Kumaon Regiment (19 Kumaon Regiment). He went missing during the Indian Army’s Operation Meghdoot in Siachen in 1984.
Batch number 5164584 of Balidani Chandrashekhar Herbola has been found under the snow after 38 years. Military officers called relatives and verified the body of Chandrashekhar by matching the batch and documents.
This is the family of martyr Chandrashekhar Harbola
Martyr Chandrashekhar Harbola would have been 66 years old if he were alive today. In his family, his 64-year-old wife Shanta Devi, two daughters Kavita, Babita and their children i.e. grandchildren will be seen as a 28-year-old youth. His wife Shanta Devi was in the job before his martyrdom, while the daughters were very young at that time.
What was Operation Meghdoot
The operation carried out by the Indian Army to capture the Siachen Glacier in Jammu and Kashmir was given the code name Operation Meghdoot after the creation of the great poet Kalidas. This operation was started on 13 April 1984.
This was a unique military operation as the battlefield at the highest altitude in the world was attacked for the first time. As a result of the army action, the Indian Army gained control of the entire Siachen Glacier. In this entire operation, 35 officers and 887 JCO-ORs lost their lives.
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