Dhami government has opened the doors of exemption for those who build houses, the dream will come true, know how to get the benefit

The Dhami government has opened the doors of exemption for developers to fulfill the dream of the poor to have a home in the new housing policy. The state and central government will give Rs 3.5 to 4.5 lakh on a house worth nine lakhs in the EWS category. Only Rs 4.5 to 5.5 lakh will have to be given by the beneficiary. The process and expenses of taking a loan from the bank for this amount have also been made easy.

Exemption on building in plain areas

A maximum of Rs 9 lakh per house has been fixed for EWS housing in the plain areas. In this, the beneficiary has to bear Rs 5.5 lakh. The state government will give a grant of Rs 2 lakh and the central government will give a grant of Rs 1.5 lakh. The house builder will get Rs 9 lakh or Rs 30 thousand per square meter, whichever is higher.

Bakhli style exemption in hilly areas
There will be more convenience on building a house in Bakhli style. Out of Rs 9 lakh per EWS house, only Rs 4.5 lakh will have to be paid by the beneficiary. The state government will give a grant of Rs 3 lakh, while the central government will give a grant of Rs 1.5 lakh. That is, the government will give half the money.

Exemption in stamp duty

Rs 1000 has been fixed for EWS, Rs 5000 for LIG, Rs 10,000 for LMIG. Till now, six percent stamp duty and two percent registration fee was charged. For example, if there is a house worth Rs 10 lakh, then its stamp duty was Rs 60,000 at the rate of six percent and registration fee was Rs 20,000 at the rate of two percent. Instead of Rs 80,000, now this work will be done for just Rs 1500 (Rs 500 registration). Similarly, on taking a loan from the bank, a stamp duty of 0.5 percent was charged in the contract, which will not be charged now. That is, Rs 5000 will also be saved in a house worth Rs 10 lakh.

This exemption is also available for EWS

Land use change of 10,000 square meters will be done within three months at the authority level. The authority will not charge any fee for getting the EWS map passed. Builders buying land for the project will get separate exemption in stamp duty. The government will reimburse it if sewage treatment plant is installed here. The commercial floor area ratio (FAR) in the project will be 25 percent in the plains and 30 percent in the hilly areas. The government will also reimburse the state tax. The government will reimburse the interest on taking a loan from the bank for the project.

Now high-rise buildings will be constructed in the plains

In the plains, usually four-storey buildings have been built in the EWS category, in which there was no provision for lift. According to the new housing policy, now eight-storey or up to the prescribed height of 30 meters can be built. Lifts can be installed in it, which will have to be maintained by the builder for 10 years.