3400 private schools in Uttarakhand, 87 thousand children, expenditure 126 crores; Education Minister gave indications to consider the matter

126 crore is being paid annually from the government exchequer to 3400 private schools in the state. Under the Right to Education Act, 87 thousand children belonging to weaker and deprived sections have been admitted in these schools at government expense.
To get rid of the increasing burden on the exchequer, the Uttarakhand government has been considering for a long time to enroll children in government schools instead of private schools on the Punjab pattern, but considering the increasing number of students and the attitude of the parents, the decision has not yet been taken. could not be retrieved. Education Minister Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat has once again indicated to consider this pending matter.

An increasing number of children are teasing
The increasing number of children of weaker and deprived sections in private schools under the Right to Education Act is teasing the claims of improvement in the level of government education in the state. In the last 10 years, a large number of government primary schools with less than 10 students have been closed or adjusted with other schools due to the continuous fall in student numbers.
On the other hand, the number of students enrolled in private schools at government expense is increasing steadily. In the Right to Education Act, 25 percent quota for admission in private schools is fixed for the children of weaker and deprived sections. The relevant provision of this Act of the Central Government has been adopted by the State Government in its Act.

The central government is also taking a step back from this expenditure.
The problem has also arisen due to the stand of the Center in front of the state. The Central Government has been reimbursing the fees and other expenses of the children enrolled in private schools. Now the central government is also taking a step back from this expenditure. Some time back, the government had got the system of other states studied regarding the admissions given under the Right to Education Act.
To avoid this expenditure, the Punjab government is getting admission of children belonging to weaker and deprived sections in government schools only under the Right to Education Act. The education department also studied the Punjab pattern. Now, following this pattern, the Uttarakhand government is once again considering giving admission to the children of weaker and deprived sections in its own schools.
However, there have been two main reasons for not moving forward on the Punjab pattern so far. Due to the apprehension of displeasure of the parents, the government and the department remained stagnant in the event of 87 thousand children taking a step back from their studies. In case of making admission in government schools compulsory, the state government will also have to amend its Right to Education Act.
The protection given in the Act to the children of weaker and deprived sections has also stopped the government from moving forward. In this regard, Education Minister Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat said that the process of enrolling children in government schools under the Act is currently underway. The final decision will be taken only after studying every aspect.